Sobriety length Two years
Term Two years
- Chair monthly Your Pathfinder monthly meetings. (on Zoom)
- Liaise with Steering Committee, Treasurer and Office Co-Ordinator regarding YPF finances.
- Liaise with Steering Committee and represent YPF at relevant AA meetings (e.g. CSO Reps meetings).
- Field non-routine inquiries / complaints re editorial content / other YPF issues.
- Develop and implement approved strategies for promoting YPF and increasing subscriptions.
- Provide written reports to the monthly Steering Committee meetings (on Zoom) and quarterly CSO Reps meetings (held in Annerley, QLD).
You are welcome to attend a Steering Committee meeting as an observer to see how it operates.
If interested, please contact the CSO Brisbane office admin@csobrisbane.0rg with your interest or for further information.