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Your Pathfinder is the Queensland journal of Alcoholics Anonymous; Central Service Office Brisbane Inc. Written, edited, illustrated and read by AA members and others interested in the AA program of recovery from alcoholism, Your Pathfinder is a lifeline linking one suffering alcoholic to another.
Known in Queensland as our “meeting in print”, Your Pathfinder passes on the experience, strength and hope of its contributors and reflects a wide area of current experience with recovery, unity and service. Your Pathfinder does not receive group contributions, but is supported entirely through magazine subscriptions and members’ donations.
Acceptance that every AA member has an individual way of working the program permeates the pages of Your Pathfinder, and throughout its history the magazine has been a forum for the varied and often divergent opinions of AAs around the state and sometimes outside. Articles are not intended to be statements of AA policy, nor does publication of any article imply endorsement by either AA as a whole or Your Pathfinder.