CSO Service Positions

PositionSobrietyPosition DescriptionTerm

CSO Reps – Central Service Office Representatives

One year

Represents group at meetings of Central Service Office (CSO). May also be a member of CSO working committees, e.g. PI / CPC, Treatment Facilities, Helpline etc. Reports to group on CSO affairs.

Two years
Office Manager / Secretary Two years A paid, full or part time employee and is the Secretary to the Committee and the Incorporation. No set time

Steering Committee (SC) Members:

Two years

To support the CSO’s functions, activities and events.

Attend monthly SC meetings and CSO Reps meetings every 3 months.

Send an apology and a report if unable to attend SC meetings or CSO Reps meetings.

Become familiar with the relevant Traditions, Concepts and Guidelines.

Two years

Steering Committee Chairperson

Two years

Chair monthly SC meetings and be available to chair CSO Reps meetings.

Be available to OM to answer non-routine inquiries and co-sign cheques.

Provide written reports to the monthly Steering Committee meetings and quarterly CSO Reps meetings.

Two years


Two years

Liaise with OM to ensure appropriate accounting practices are maintained.

Liaise with Bookkeeper for accruals, BAS etc and clarification of MYOB entries.

Prepare Annual Budget and report on Performance against Budget monthly.

Prepare Monthly Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss for CSO and YP to report to each SC and CSO Reps meeting.

Monitor CSO financial performance e.g. Liquidity / ability to meet financial obligations.

Liaise with Auditor in preparing annual report.

Prepare end-of-year financial statement for CSO and YP audit.

Answer non-routine financial inquiries.

Provide written reports to the monthly Steering Committee meetings and quarterly CSO Reps meetings.

Two years

Sub-committee Chairpersons:

Two years

Attend and chair sub-committee meetings and give a written report to SC and CSO Reps of their activities.

Become familiar with the relevant Guidelines relating to your Sub-committee and advise SC on policy.

Develop / co-ordinate / organise / present any useful workshops on their sub-committee area.

Recruit a replacement for your sub-committee position and be available for handover.

Two years

Helpline Chair

and Support Link

Two years

Develop and maintain the Helpline Phone Roster and distribute to helpline volunteers and sub-committee diverters.

Develop and maintain a Master List of helpline volunteers and their availability.

Co-ordinate a roster of members to do daily diversion of helpline phone.

Develop and maintain the Contact List for members willing to do 12-Step follow-up and review annually.

Arrange volunteers to attend to the Support Link referrals and keep them up to date.

Review and update the Helpline Kit as changes are required, at least annually.

Provide written reports to the monthly Steering Committee meetings and quarterly CSO Reps meetings.

Two years

Treatment Facilities Chair (TF)

Two years

To keep a record of Treatment Facilities.

Liaise with Groups/ TF Co-ordinators to maintain list of group activities and meetings in TF.

To assist the Groups who Sponsor the various facilities with information and guidelines.

To be available if there are any facilities not visited by AA, to assist in finding a Group to Sponsor them.

Liaise with TF to determine current activities and identify needs, and advertise these to groups.

Answer TF inquiries from Groups / TF/ CSO.

Develop sub-committee / roster of available members / groups to do TF 12-Step work.

Liaise with any Area / District TF work.

Provide written reports to the monthly Steering Committee meetings and quarterly CSO Reps meetings.

Two years

Your Pathfinder Chair (YP)

Two years

Chair monthly YP meetings.

Liaise with SC, Treasurer and OM regarding YP finances.

Liaise with Steering Committee and represent YP at relevant AA meetings (e.g. CSO Reps meetings).

Field non-routine inquiries / complaints re editorial content / other YP issues.

Develop and implement approved strategies for promoting YP and increasing subscriptions.

Provide written reports to the monthly Steering Committee meetings and quarterly CSO Reps meetings.

Two years

Public Information/ Cooperation with Professional Community / Schools Chair (PI/CPC/Schools)

Two years

Prepare and mail out to Schools (and other institutions) inviting them to receive AA speakers.

Maintain roster of available AA speakers for Schools and PI/CPC occasions.

Co-ordinate dates, times and speakers with responses to mail-out (+ any other requests).

Respond to PI/CPC enquiries passed on from OM.

Co-ordinate speakers for radio/ media interviews.

Liaise with Area / District PI/CPC, to ensure co-operation and prevent duplication / omission on PI/CPC.

Provide written reports to the monthly Steering Committee meetings and quarterly CSO Reps meetings.

Two years

7th Tradition Chair

Two years

Organise Fund-raising activities through organising sub-committees.

Liaise with Groups / District / Area in regards to staging such events.

Where possible and convenient, attend AA meetings, weekends, rallies, conventions and other functions.

Arrange beforehand with function and rally organisers for permission to have a literature table at event.

Liaise with CSO for collection of literature for events; manage a roster literature table to sell literature and YP; and collect payments securely and forward to OM with record of sales and orders.

Provide written reports to the monthly Steering Committee meetings and quarterly CSO Reps meetings.

Two years

Area Liaison

Two years

To support the CSO’s functions, activities and events.

To provide a positive communication link between the essential work being done by Districts and Areas and the equally essential work being done by the Brisbane CSO.

To attend as many Area Assemblies as possible.

To cooperate with the Brisbane CSO and the Areas/ Districts.

Report to Area on the functions, activities and events of the Brisbane CSO.

To report back to the Brisbane CSO on the activities of the Areas/ Districts.

Provide written reports to the monthly Steering Committee meetings and quarterly CSO Reps meetings.

Two years

Office Maintenance

Two years

To maintain the CSO Office and make suggestions for its upkeep.

To ensure that the required amount (BCC Lease) is spent in any financial year.

Ensure that the Pest Control and Electrical Certification requirements are met.

Two years


Two years

Provide IT support to the CSO Office

Two years

Sub-Committee Members

Helpline Diverter

Two years

Attend Helpline committee meetings.

Divert helpline when rostered for 2 weeks each night, weekend mornings and afternoons.

Assist Helpline Chair with maintaining volunteer roster and finding replacements for vacancies.

Two Years

YP Editor

Two years

1. Receive and respond to emails, re-route to the relevant person.

2. Receive articles, stories, letters, events, meeting changes, humour, etc.

3. Securely maintain collection of YP info, including ‘filler’ material. Securely back-up all computer files.

4. Select content for month, insert into Publisher document and Edit content (headings, fonts etc.)

5. Send Editors report with future Set Timeline to Committee, Attend Zoom Committee meeting Thurs, 6:30pm

6. Send Publisher Document to Proofer TO BE PROOFED, Send PDF format to all committee FOR FEEDBACK

7. Request CSO send Meetings List.

8. Final edit of the Journal.

9. Covert Publisher Document with Nitro into booklet format.

10. Send PDF Booklet to Admin CSO – TO BE PRINTED

Four Years

YP Secretary

One year

Co-ordinate and minute monthly meetings.

Write up minutes, incorporating committee reports.

Distribute minutes and agenda to committee members before next meeting.

Two years

YP Envelopes

One year

1. Receive MYOB customer card file from CSO.

2. Convert MYOB card file to MS Excel spreadsheet and create Envelope MS Word file.

3. Print Envelopes

4. Print reminder notices for expired subscriptions.

5. Liaise with CSO re printing of YP and flyers.

6. Insert flyers into YP magazines.

7. Insert YP magazines in envelopes, taking care with quantity (1 or 2 per envelope).

8. Complete Print Post Form.

9. Deliver envelopes and lodge print post form to Post Office

10. Send Report to OM and YP Chair with # of subscribers, # of envelopes sent, # of reminder notices sent.

11. Maintain the YP archives.

Two years

YP Reporter

One year

Interview members and gather stories for YP magazine.

2 years


One year

Maintain website including up-to-date meetings list, contact details and relevant links.

2 years

PI Co-ordinator

Two years

Assist PI Chair to organise speakers for schools


TF Roster Co-ordinator

One year

Usually done by the Groups that look after the Treatment Facility


Other CSO Volunteers

Helpline Volunteer at CSO

6 months

Answer Helpline phone on weekdays for a 4-hour shift each week either 10am to 2pm or 2pm to 6pm.


Helpline Volunteer from Home

Two Years

Answer Helpline phone once every six weeks when rostered from their home either 6pm to 10pm weeknights, or

10am to 4pm / 4pm to 10pm weekends.


Helpline 12 Step Contact List

Two Years

Be available to take 12 step calls from helpline; speak to a caller and if possible assist them to get to a meeting in their area.


YP Helpers


Assist stuffing envelopes, mailing, promoting, and selling YP.


PI / CPC Speaker for Schools

One Year (6 months if with a 5 year+)

Be available to speak at schools, universities and other institutions.


TF Visitor / Speaker

1 Year (HADS)



  1. In line with Position Rotation suggested in Tradition 2 and 9, we try to avoid exceptions to the Terms of Positions.
  2. Regular attendance at Sub-Committee meetings is a part of the position description. Members who miss 3 meetings in a row are asked to state their intentions about continuing in the position.
  3. As with all forms of service work with CSO, Your Pathfinder is developed by active AA members doing service as part of their recovery program in AA. Your Pathfinder service work is not available to people who are no longer attending AA. We do not police whether people attend AA or not, so we rely on them to voluntarily inform us if they are no longer active in AA. Serving on Your Pathfinder sub-committee or any of the other CSO sub-committees cannot be their only contact with AA.

Updated August 2021