Your CSO

Welcome to the website of the Central Service Office of Alcoholic Anonymous Brisbane. Here you can find out what local, interstate and international A.A. events are coming up and locate the new meetings that have started in Brisbane and throughout Queensland, by reading the weekly CSO eNews.

The CSO Brisbane publishes a monthly journal, the Your Pathfinder, which is written, edited and illustrated by members and others interested in the A.A. program of recovery from alcoholism.


CSO Brisbane exists to serve the groups that created it. As its constitution states:

“The Purpose of the CSO is: To assist in the expansion and development of AA in Queensland, in accordance with the Traditions and Concepts of AA. To co-ordinate the activities of AA Groups and Committees to give adequate and fitting expression to the collective group conscience.”

The Functions of the CSO are: The 12-Step Phone, Supporting AA Groups, Communicating with AA, Liaising with Outside Organisations, Having the right People and Place; being Financially Responsible, and Publishing Information.

  1. 12-Step Direct Help. Carrying the message to the still-suffering Alcoholic through the12-Step PhoneHelp Line, Volunteer Roster and Contact List co-ordinated by the Phone Committee.
  2. Support AA Groups. Supporting and serving groups & members through maintaining the Qld Meetings List and responding to requests for advice and information.
  3. Communicate within AA. Providing access, awareness & information to & from the District, Area, Region, National and International service structure using a Contact Database, and Calendar of Events.
  4. Liaise with Outside Agencies. Co-operating with & providing public information and AA speakers for Professionals, Government, Schools, Treatment Facilities (TF) and other Community Organisations using the Contact Database, PI/CPC committee and TF Committee.
  5. Officers / Positions. Having the best available people in the right positions for the Steering Committee, Volunteers and Office Manager through rotation,succession, job descriptions, policies & procedures, training and performance reviews.
  6. Office & Equipment. Providing an attractive meeting place for newcomers, CSO workers, committees, & other visitors through maintenance, cleaning, renovations and by providing a Reception Area, Committee Meeting Place, and also photocopying & other secretarial services.
  7. Financial Responsibility. Being self-supporting and financially responsible with donations from & literature sales to groups & members, Accounting formonies in & out, with regular reporting through the Treasurer & Auditor to Steering Committee and CSO Reps.
  8. File & Publish Info. Facilitating informed & up-to-date Groups, Individual Members & the Public using the CSO News, Your Pathfinder Magazine, E-mail Announcements and Archives.
  9. Literature. Keeping adequate stock of conference-approved literature and other non-literature items for sale to members, groups and the public.

There is a more extensive document here, How Brisbane CSO Operates, from back in 2009. And here’s the AA Guidelines on CSOs (GL-12).